Category Archives: Shinkenger

Review: S.H.Figuarts Shinken Gold

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Umemori Genta is my favorite character in the whole Super Sentai Series of Japanese television series, mainly because the character is well delivered by the actor himself and partly because gold is my favourite colour.

And everything about this guy is a joke, from the suit to his personality.

I love gold, especially those pika pika (ピカピカ) types, sparklingly shinny!

I love gold bars, gold coins, gold plates, gold toilet bowls…

First Impression

Probably under the influence of this character being a sushi seller in the Samurai Sentai series, I can’t help but linking the whole feeling together as one big sushi theme each time I set my eyes upon this figurine.

It feels like a plate of plain salmon sushi to me. (You will need to watch the series to understand what I am trying to convey.)

And not surprising, it has almost the same mould as S.H.Figuarts Shinken Red. I find it a bit out of place simply because in the show, I don’t remember the suit actor being this skinny, as though the figurine is facing a problem of being malnutrition.

The Head

The eye guard on the helmet forms a kranji, meaning “Light”, simply enough because Umemori Genta is the “Warrior of Light”. Just that he is not those “holy-types”, you see…

The black colour used on the eye guard is not as shiny as that used on Shinken Red’s eye guard. It doesn’t really reflect light well and I like it because it doesn’t steal away the limelight of his suit (being sparkling gold).

The Body

As much as I hate complaining, the body is choppy. Despite having said that at least it is still better than those average “one-whole-piece” toys which you can grab and go in those major toy shops.

The gold colour has a grainy effect, reflecting light thus giving the overall figurine a “shiny” effect. I am not sure whether it is just me but the blue looks a bit purplish and I find it brilliant because I find that the blue colour used in the show makes the suit a bit out of place.

In my previous entry, I mentioned that the Samurai Logo located on the left side of the chest area is painted on. I would like to give an in-depth of what I actually meant. If you see the photo carefully, it is painted on but the crest has a slight protrude, giving it a depth.

It wasn’t obvious on Shinken Red but this one was being brought out thanks to the black colour used because black and gold colour tends to amplify one another.

The Belt

Sushiger can be seen resting at the right side of Shinken Gold’s belt. It has the same design (but different color) as Shinken Red and even has a small Samurai Logo painted on the pouch.

The belt has a grainy silver colour with a matte finishing so that it doesn’t overpower the gold colour of the suit. Well done!

And the back lies quietly the all time favourite Sakanamaru! The details are there just that if you notice the Samurai Logo at the head of Sakanamaru, it could really use some painting.

And yes, the sword can’t be drawn out from its sheath.

The Upper Limb

Having the same mould and design as Shinken Red, this time round the only thing I can complain about is probably the ball joint. Take a look at the wrist joint. What’s that colour? That’s yellow…

It makes the figurine look flimsy.

The Leg

Still I find it a bit feminine. But it looks great which I strongly believe because of the colour used. It makes the legs look good.

The Accessories

This release comes with lots and lots of accessories! To which, I just couldn’t ask for more!
1. A pair of relaxed hands.
2. A pair of weapon holding hands
3. A pair of clenching hands.
4. One right hard for holding Daigoyou’s hands as weapon.
5. One Ebi Origami
6. One Ika Origami
7. One Sushi Disc
8. One Daigoyou’s body
9. One combined Daigoyou’s hands
10. One Sakanamaru (to be placed on Shinken Gold’s Belt when not used).
11. One Sakanamaru’s sheath
12. One Sakanamaru’s blade
13. One half drawn Sakanamaru

*Do note that the weapon holding hands are currently used on the figurine.

Ebi Origami is so badass. It is nicely sculpted and I really can’t ask for more. It doesn’t have any articulation but I guess it is more than enough. To me, this is definitely a plus point!

The Ika Origami is also very nicely sculpted and painted. I love it because of the size. And same as Ebi Origami, it has no articulation but I really can’t ask for more. This is beautiful.

As for Daigoyou, I believe this is a breakthrough for Bandai Tamashii because this is very nicely sculpted and painted. The probably sad part is you can’t fix the hands to the body to form a standalone Daigoyou otherwise it would be perfect. The Krangi word “Samurai” protrudes but doesn’t look out of place given the part where the word is does not have a smooth surface (lantern design).

Tamashii even bothered to sculpt the part where Daigoyou shoots discs out of his stomach. It would be nice if a Black Disc is included in the release.

There are 3 types of Sakanamaru given (as mentioned under “The Accessories”) gives Shinken Gold a wide range of posing possibilities.

If you were to use Daigoyou, you may want to attach the smaller version of Sakanamaru behind the belt. Please note that you have to use the correct right hand when you decide to make Shinken Gold hold Daigoyou.

You can choose the half drawn Sakanamaru to give Shinken Gold a serious look and attach the Sushi Disc to it if you so wish to power up!

It is also possible if you want to attach the Sushi Disc to the fully drawn Sakanamaru! Please note that you can’t sheath this version of Sakanamaru.


Shinkenger is one of my favourite Samurai Sentai Series and no doubt I am going to collect all the different colours. I like it how it is being done and if you are a fan just like me, this is a release you probably don’t want to miss. And rejoice because it is a mass release so it shouldn’t be too expensive.

And until I get my hands on Shinken Blue and Shinken Green, Shinken Gold and Shinken Red will have to stay in their individual casing until further notice.

Rejoice! The wait will soon be over~

Oh yes, Ebiko is very healthy. Look at the face, it says everything.

Thank you for reading! And please support the Charity Drive. For more information please click HERE 😀


Review: S.H.Figuarts Shinken Red

My Sony DSL is currently down so I had no choice but to use my backup camera. Doesn’t make a difference though, not as if I am gonna produce any good pictures anyway? *shrug*

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シンケンレッド、志葉 丈瑠!参る!

The early stage of Shiba Takeru was atrocious. He is a very self centered red ranger whom I really feel like punching if given the chance. What’s with the “OMG I am the red ranger, I have to fight the battles all by myself!” theme? This has been overused and old habits sure are hard to die, I guess. But I came to like this character as days go by simply because even though he isn’t as “up there” as I thought he would be, especially so when Shiba Kaoru came by and he was found out to be the “pirated red ranger” that kind of stuff, yet despite all the odds I will still prefer him to be the destined one.

First Impression

A well anticipated release, I supposed. When I first saw this, I love the color finishing, especially the red color chosen for the entire body. It kind of reflects the light, giving the figurine an extra very hard-to-explain glow. It works when you put it under yellow light. And the best part is this is a normal release!

The Head

The eye guard on the helmet forms a kranji, meaning ‘fire’. I love the design simply because it fits nicely. The head is sculpted closely to that from the show, being rounded. The black color used to fill the eye guard is shiny black, allowing little light to be reflected, giving the eyes a very special effect. Try staring into it and you will know what I meant.

I can’t help it… It looks like moustache! AHAHAHA~

The Body

The body looks a little bit skinny. Probably because of the way the shoulder articulation is being designed, I find it weird looking. But I like the Samurai Logo located on the left side of the chest area. It is actually painted on. Whoever done this really deserve a good praise.

Yet I feel that the whole body looks choppy. It seems to me that everything is in segments and doesn’t look like a whole.

The Belt

Except that it doesn’t open up, I really like the way it is being done because of the detailing. However, I really hoped that the gold color can be brighter. That would be perfect!

The Shodophone pouch located at the right side of the belt looks surprisingly nice. I am actually quite happy that Tamashii is willing to put in so much effort to a detail as small as this!

The Samurai Logo is so small yet it is sharp and clear. The pouch looks leathery because of the sculpting contrast between the black and the red area. And the phone resting inside the pouch marvelously tells you that Shodophone is a flip phone.

Shinkenmaru rests quietly at the left side of the belt. I find the length of the blade just nice. The sculpting of the sword is really very detailed and it is separable from the holster. And the best part is, you can play around with the Shishi Disc as it is detachable from Shinkenmaru!

The only sad thing is that it can’t spin…

The Upper Limb

As I’ve mentioned earlier, the design of the shoulder articulation may put you off but that’s the initial part. I have played around the figurine long enough to find out why Tamashii settled down with this design and here are the few reasons I can think of.

A samurai holds the sword near to its body, and to achieve that, the shoulder must provide and inwards articulation. And that’s probably a strong argument point when the figurine starts to hold the Rekka Daizanto with the given correct articulation and balance.

The Leg

I feel that the thighs look a little bit feminine while the calves looks just nice. And just like any other release, the articulation existing all the way from the hip to the legs grants this figurine a wide range of posing ability.

I like the cloth crisp detailing which you can spot at the boots. A plus point because it adds on to the feel of the entire leg so that it doesn’t look out of place no matter how you put it.

The Accessories

This release comes with a very pleasing number of accessories:
1. A pair of weapon holding hands.
2. One right hard for holding Rekka Daizanto.
3. One right hand for holding Emblem.
4. One right hand for holding Shodophone.
5. A pair of clenching hands.
6. A pair of relaxed hands.
7. One (super tiny) Shishi Origami.
8. One Emblem.
9. One Shodophone.
10. One Shinkenmaru.
11. One Rekka Daizanto.

*Do note that the right hand for holding Shinkenmaru and left relaxed hand is currently used on the figurine.

Just want to share something…

When I first saw the right hand which is meant to hold Rekka Daizanto, I was puzzled simply because I thought it was an extra hand and didn’t know what to do with it. If you notice Rekka Daizanto, it has a black trigger at the hilt (if you recall that Rekka Daizanto can be transformed into Ozutsu Mode, which is the gun mode), and that is what the hand is used for.

And also the right hand given to hold the super tiny Shishi Origami which I will introduce later, Tamashii is really making us spend our money willingly.

How nice of Tamashii!

Before I say anything about how disfigured my emblem is (which I just did, sorry), I just want to say that it is a good job done getting such a small piece of emblem nicely done. It couldn’t have been done better just that I hope mine could have been through a rather more thorough quality check.

And yes, I always find this pose cool! Lets flood the monsters with all the kranji characters I have yet to master! Ippitsu Shojo!

Rekka Daizanto is so beautifully sculpted! The only thing you may want to ask for more is probably the Ozutsu Mode which is sadly not included in this release despite having more airing time as compared. Posing wise, you have got to be careful because the blade is obviously heavier than the hilt and guess where all the weight goes to. And here, I prefer to use the hands meant to hold the Shinkenmaru so that Rekka Daizanto is more secure.

And the Shishi disc is detachable…

And maybe you want to let it rest on the shoulder so that it is more stable.

The Shishi Origami is so small and looks exactly similar to that from the TV series! It makes me wonder how Tamashii even does that! So small and yet so detailed. Oh yes, it has articulation at the front legs, mimicking that from the show. Cute!


Shinken Red is a very solid release. As a huge fan of Shinkenger, I have embark on a journey of no return to collect them all. By owning this release, it makes me happy and I couldn’t ask for more. I do hope that Tamashii comes out with Rekka Daizanto Ozutsu Mode so that it feels more complete. Nevertheless, I find my money worth spent.

Time to feed the dog! Thank you for reading 😀


Review: S.H.Figuarts Super Sentai Shinkenger Kuroko

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I probably mentioned it in one of my regular updates. I don’t know why I bought them but I am really happy to have bought Kuroko and add them to my collection since I intend to collect the whole series of S.H.Figuarts Super Samurai Sentai Shinkenger.

Kuroko is a traditional stagehand in Japanese theatres. They would dress in black and help out the main crews as a stage runner. And in Super Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, the Kuroko are a group of commoners who wish to help in fighting the Gedoushu (aka Monsters), however due to the fact that they lack of Mojikara (aka powers to fight against the monsters), they act as support to help the Shinkengers (aka the main casts) so that the Shinkengers are able to better focus on the battle. Their duties vary from doing house chores to helping the people in the city and from preparing the Shinkengers to battle to evacuating the people away from the monsters.

High respects for them!

First Impression

Initially, I didn’t think of getting them since all it does is just squatting there and doing nothing. And it is not exactly cheap, you see…

But I kinda like it as time goes by simply because it is a very solid release. The quality of the plastic is definitely worth the price. The level of detailing is also worth the praise.

The Head

As much as I wished that the cloth covering the face is made of real cloth, however, everything is made of plastic. It works out just fine since you are not supposed to see the Kuroko’s face in order to imply that they are invisible and are not part of the action onstage.

And if Bandai were to do it, they would have to paint a face on each Kuroko which would result in a rise in the cost.

If you aren’t convinced, take a look at the ears. They are nicely detailed! Kudos!

You can also see the neck. Up to this point, this figurine is insanely humanoid!

The Body

As the Kuroko is in a squatting position. The body is slightly bent forward. In this case, Bandai really did a great job in emphasising the “humbleness” of the Kuroko that they are of lower status. I can sense that even though they are like servants, they still have backbones, if you know what I mean. And as I said, that makes me respect them even more.

There are no articulations since it is made up of a piece of plastic moulded together.

The Belt (aka Obi)

The back of the figurine is nicely done too. I love the detailing of the Obi. This is definitely a plus point for the entire figurine. Imagine if you were to pose this figurine with its back facing the front, it will be equally nice.

*For reference sake, I reposted this picture.

The Upper Limb

While the right hand is resting on the knee, it forms a cap on the knee (taking the shape of the knee) which makes the hand looks very natural. Same goes to the left hand. It gives me the impression that the Kuroko is only placing it on the lap giving the Kuroko a very respectful look.

I wouldn’t mind if this Kuroko breaks a plate or two, I will definitely forgive him…

The right sleeve looks a little bit unnatural. It looks like it is defining gravity and is inclining towards the right. This is especially so if you look it from the front. But then, that’s just a minor problem.

My real issue lies with the fingers. They look a little bit blocky to me. The absences of the knuckles are probably the cause. And there are no fingernails. Then, I would expect lines to be painted and hairs to be visible… Dear me…

The fingers, they are annoying me…

The Leg

Beautifully done. The legs are very natural and proportionate. Bandai even bothered to add details to the shoes. The area above the ankles is nicely sculpted! I wish they can do more on the foot because it looks like a job done in a rush.

And below, there is a printed text under the right foot. The left knee and toes are flat too. Can’t be blame since the Kuroko needs the balance to squat down.

The Accessories

I definitely consider this as an accessory simply because the figurine itself is already a bonus. But then, I would really appreciate if Bandai includes a flag in this release since it is not exactly cheap.

This is way too cheapo. I won’t even bother cutting the flag out from behind the box. Maybe I will just refer to the scale and make a copy my own. Using real cloth, of course.


Kuroko is a very nice add-on to your collection if you are a Shinkenger fan like me. It makes your collection feels complete. And it is nice to have these guys around simply because they appear a lot in the show and are part of the show itself. In fact, there is an episode done specially to introduce the Kuroko and to appreciate their efforts.

Not asking you to get one for each Shinkenger because you will find yourself having six Kuroko doing nothing but squatting there. And as far as I know, in the show, it is true that there are lots of them running around, I only saw two Kuroko standing one at each side.

So for me, I do recommend that if you are getting Kuroko, you should get two of them. I got them at a very reasonable price because the boss is trying to get rid of them. I wish you have got the same luck as me.

Meanwhile, please excuse me while I get obsessed with the popping of bubble wraps. Love it!

*pop pop pop*

Oh yeah! Thank you for reading!
