Category Archives: S.H.Figuarts EX

Review: S.H.Figuarts EX Machine Decader

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I personally feel that KR Decade is the strongest Kamen Rider of them all because everything about him is a cheat. Even his ride is also a cheat since it has the ability to assume other Kamen Rider’s ride as well as exhibiting their respective abilities through the input of the cards into the DecaDriver.

Examples like Auto Vajin and Side Basshar where both are also my favorite rides.

Still, it’s a cheat. It is probably the attribute that made KR Decade so overpowered, or rather, it is probably the only reason why I love this Kamen Rider and his ride so much.

Let’s jump over to the review!

First Impression

The first time I saw KR Decade Violent Emotion, I told myself that I am going to grab the Machine Decader as well. And because of me being ambitious, I was penniless until the next month. It wasn’t that bad since the next day was pay day. I was lucky to be able to get it at a rather reasonable price. I didn’t really know the shopkeeper that well yet so I was sure he ripped me off for both KR Decade Violent Emotion as well as Machine Decader.

Machine Decader feels light in my hands. Like some cheap plastic being sold at a very high price. I am a self-proclaimed plastic-phile. And I feel that this figurine is somewhat hollow on the inside. I was quite disappointed at first because I was hoping that this release could have been more solid since it is an exclusive release. I have to consider the amount of money I have put in to purchase this piece of plastic. The feel is definitely not worth the money. But wait…

Maybe it was just me? I am too strong…

The Front

You can’t deny that the level of detailing is so exquisite. Mainly because the release is totally based on Honda DN-01 motorcycle, therefore, the Machine Decader is so SEXY!

I am a personal fan of Honda. Especially the bikes, the thrill of riding one and the risk of getting scratched by jealous people…

The front of Machine Decader is nicely designed to match KR Decade’s head. And I like it when Bandai Tamashii put in so much effort to take note of the details. You can see how the front lights are reflecting lights when you shine at them!

And once again, the black has a glossy finish. I hate it! I hate it because you can see the tiny scratch marks. They should be scratch-free at least! And I was hoping the black is done in matte.

The Front Wheel

What is a bike without it wheels?

Initially, I was so worried about the wheels. The wheels feel like hard rubbery plastic. And my worst horror didn’t come true! Bandai Tamashii did sculpt the wheels with wheel patterns! Thank god!

And of course it rolls…

There is an articulation joining the front wheel to the bike handlebars which is very much expected. It would look very stupid if you were to try and turn the handlebars but the front wheel (connected by the fork) doesn’t move along with it.

And look! There is a small Decade logo at the side!

The Back

The back is designed to fit in the KR Decade as well as an additional passenger sitting at the back. Although I haven’t try putting another figurine on top of the Machine Decader with KR Decade himself but I believe Bandai Tamashii didn’t forget that Machine Decader can fit in two people. Kudos!

And I like how the back is being designed to match KR Decade’s head once again. Can you see the silver gas exhaust pipe running from the body to the back wheel? It only exists on the ride side of Machine Decader.

The license plate is another thing I was worried about. I was so worried that the license plate will be a blank but it has got a Decade Logo on it! Wow!

And for your information:
1 – A
2 – B
3 – C
4 – D
5 – E

Therefore ‘453145’ stands for ‘DECADE’. Different people have different ways of saying what the number stands for but at least this is my version of how I interpret it. 🙂

The Back Wheel

Same as the front wheel, the back wheel is nice sculpted with wheel patterns. However, it bears no articulation as expected. The only thing I can point out, which I feel that it is also a plus point, is that the back wheel has got some spring effect mechanism (suspension) built in.

For example, if you ride a bike too fast, the bike starts to bounce on the road. The spring effect mechanism kicks in (usually at the back wheel) to absorb the shock created by the terrain the rider is travelling on.

And if you were to press Machine Decader down and release it, it will spring right back because of this in-built suspension. Cool point!

The Accessories

Machine Decader comes with a few but necessary accessories.

These includes:
1. A bike supporting stand.
2. A pair of riding hands (both left and right).
3. A pair of extra handlebars.

The bike supporting stand is essential. I have read many reviews regarding how redundant it is but let me tell you how thoughtful Bandai Tamashii is when this stand is included in the release. It allows you to pose the Machine Decader straight up without having you to go all the trouble to look for some other things that will hold the figurine in place. This is something that I appreciate and glad that it is included in the accessories.

It is true that there is a kickstand located at left side of Machine Decader but sometimes it just looks so stupid to see an awesome bad-ass kicking KR sitting on a tilted bike.

Trust me, you will be worshiping Bandai for the stand.

The pair of riding hands is interchangeable with the hands of the either existing KR Decade (normal release) or KR Decade Violent Emotion. This pair of hands allows both KR Decade figurines to grip on the handlebars of the Machine Decader more naturally and easily. A mini surprise I can say because the weapon holding hands could have done the same job but this pair of riding hands are just better suited for it.

The pair of extra handlebars are made of softer and bendable plastics and they feel even more rubbery that the ones which are already on the Machine Decader. It is interchangeable with the ones on the Machine Decader and for whatever reason I really don’t know.

Probably Bandai Tamashii is worried that the harder handlebars are fragile and therefore included this pair of softer handlebars for emergency purposes? I do welcome as many accessories as possible but it is redundant if it only acts on to the cost.

I still prefer using the harder handlebars. Not as if I am going to perform any stuns on the Machine Decader itself, right?


Machine Decader is an exclusive. As a fan of KR Decade, it is probably something you wouldn’t want to miss if you consider the limited numbers of figurines that will be released from the show (excluding the movies). Let’s count…

Kamen Rider Decade
Kamen Rider Diend
Kamen Rider Decade Complete Form
Machine Decader

That’s only four and probably the other ten riders that appeared in the show? With that you will be stepping into the collection of other Kamen Riders from other seasons too, unless you are talking about the Kamen Riders which KR Decade transforming into where the belt stays as the DecaDriver.

*If you don’t understand what I am trying to say, please imagine KR Kuuga wearing a DecaDriver.

And Machine Decader goes surprising well with KR Decade Violent Emotion. I feel that the color contrast is very similar and compatible. However, there is a slight problem I feel that I should point out…

KR Decade looks a bit small and overwhelmed if they were to be placed together. The torso of KR Decade is driving me crazy. It should be bigger. What do you think?

Thank you for reading!
