Monthly Archives: February 2012

Review: S.H.Figuarts R Nasca Dophant

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Bad sister, jealousy really won’t get you anywhere. And Wakana-hime will always be in my heart. Sonozaki Saeko really holds up the image of being a villain. But in the end, she is just any other sister who really loves her younger siblings…

So guys out there, stop bullying her by saying she is evil! She is NOT! ROAR!

And being so compatible with the Gaia Memory, she was able to achieve level 3, becoming R Nasca Dopant when using Nasca Memory without the Gaia Belt to limit her potential.

R means Red. R may also mean Revenge – revenge against her younger sister, Wakana.

First Impression

If you have previously own a copy of S.H.Figuarts Nasca Dopant (click HERE for the review), chances are, you have already known what to expect. And if you haven’t got one or any of the both, you may want to consider getting a copy of R Nasca Dophant because it is a stunning beauty. Trust me!

R Nasca Dopant is a Toei Hero Web Exclusive, meaning that it can be quite a bit of a challenge to grab yours in town without pre-ordering. For mine, I was lucky enough to pick it off the shelf with a few guys cursing behind my back. And true enough, it was a hefty price I paid…

The Head

Similar to Nasca, R Nasca also has a very abstract design between head armour and an eye guard. I really like the colour contrast at the mouth part. From tomato red to gooey orange, adding on to the already feminine look for R Nasca.

The Body

Maybe it was just me but I feel that the body’s colour contrast is so nicely presented that one look at this figure, I know it is a female. Especially the upper body area where there are lots of areas with white paint, I love how Tamashii did it with the glossy silver at the chest.

The Hip

As R Nasca transformed without using a Gaia Belt, there is no such thing as a belt for the figure. If you may observe, the hip area has a different design as compared to Nasca’s. In comparison, R Nasca’s hip has a more feminine design while Nasca’s has a more manly design. Once again, I am being reminded that R Nasca is a female…

And instead of having an orange ball in the center, this time round it is a red glossy candy. Looks tasty though…

The Back

As irritating as that of Nasca’s, the scarves are totally a pain in the ass to get them on. However, thanks to previously owning Nasca, I am now more experienced. I totally knew what to expect.

MUAHAHAHAHA, have fun dudes!

With that aside, it has an almost similar back design as Nasca, the more distinctive features will be the gold glossy paint. It really helps a lot in bringing out the epic coolness of R Nasca when you watch it from the back. So nicely done to a point where I could have drooled all over my keyboard while looking at it the whole day. It’s glossy gold!

+1 to Tamashii!

And the hip area has a different design as compared to Nasca. As much as I like the design, I wished it would be nicer if is longer enough to cover the butt. The more I look at it, the more weird it becomes…

Look so wrong…

The Upper Limb

Both the right and the left hand shares the same mould as Nasca. Nicely done and well presented. I have completely no complains about the upper limbs and find them purely awesome.

Tamashii did a good job in trying to bring out the firmness and powerful side of R Nasca thought the upper limbs.

The gold glossy paint of the left hand really places a lot of emphasis on the design! I am totally captivated because my favorite color is gold and Tamashii did well in making a good choice in the use of the color.

The Leg

The liver color gives the leg a very obvious leathery feeling. The orange paint around the knee area is also darker as compared to the rest of the body.

The color contrast at the thighs is equally awesome. Some areas are darker, some areas are lighter. It really brings out the old school feeling and epic coolness at the same time.

The Accessories

This release comes with the same number of accessories as Nasca:
1. A pair of opened hands (both left and right).
2. A pair of weapon holding hands (right hand is currently on the figurine).
3. A pair of clenching hands (both left and right).
4. A pair of relaxed hands (both left and right).
5. Two scarves (currently on the figurine).
6. One R Nasca’s signature sword.


R Nasca is a very sturdy release, having what it takes to be a Toei Hero Web Exclusive. On a very personal level, I have already owned a Nasca and I am really glad in adding R Nasca as my prized collection due to its stunning beauty.

The colour scheme is so perfectly chosen. The overall feel of R Nasca is well presented through the feminine design as well as moulding.

And it feels so completed when you put both Nasca and R Nasca together.

Should you have already owned a Nasca, trust me, you won’t regretting in getting R Nasca. And if you haven’t, hurry up and get both!

Simply love it lots! Thank you for reading!


Update: A Lazy Night

Just finished assembling it not long ago and I think I really deserve a round of applause for completing this in less than 45 minutes.

1/144 METEOR was surprisingly easy to assemble! And it is simply gorgeous! But I am still left with the stickers as well as the assembling of the HG Freedom model before the job is considered done. Maybe I should get it painted too.

So I was once again questioned by the all-mighty-ruler of the house…

It was a good question though…

Just where am I supposed to display this thing?

Thanks Mom -.-

And I would like to wish an early Happy Birthday to my dearest Mom! MUACKS!


Update: A Childhood Dream

Congratulations to me, I finally did it!

I know it is bullshit whenever I say, “I finally fulfilled one of my many childhood dreams.” But trust me, this time I really did it!

Remember the days when one METEOR Unit (I am talking about the METEOR Unit from Gundam Seed/Seed Destiny) costs about like what? 500 over bucks? And when I was younger, I was over the moon when Mom agreed to get it for my birthday…

Well, it was more logical to get any other things with a digit lesser at the end…

Of course it is real, I finally got it after a month thanks to the shopkeeper (trying to be very sarcastic) but never the less, I got it with a good discount after using my membership points.

The box is insanely huge. The insides really make me tingle and it comes with a 1/144 Freedom Gundam too! And of course…

I also bought the RG version of Freedom Gundam! It has been appearing all over the net as well as on the Hobby Japan magazine with good ratings. How can I give it a miss when it is on the shelf smiling at me?

Thanks to La Tendo, my pre-order for S.H.Figuarts Ankh (Lost) came like 2 weeks ago and I totally forgotten about it. I was too busy, and they have been very kind and agreed to keep it aside for me until I came down to collect it like last week. I am so excited about this release simply because his character design is beautiful. I have had heard praises about the detailing as well as the articulation Tamashii has put in for this release as well as other Greeds. Have I ever mention that I love wings? I have already placed an order for Ankh (Greed form) too. Kekeke~

I also made a trip to The Falcon Hanger to pick up my pre-orders for S.H.Figuarts Shinken Yellow and Shinken Pink. They cost a bomb but a worth to collect (at least for me) as Shinkenger is my favorite Super Sentai and I just want to collect them all. Now I am left with Shinken Blue and Green to complete my collection for Shinkenger.

I have also placed an order for Super Shinken Red and I do intend to place a pre-order for Black Shinken Red and Hyper Shinken Red should they be made available anytime soon. As for the rest, I am so sorry but to give them a skip since there is nothing special and I don’t have a reason to own the same thing in different colors.

Curse the power rangers… When will they ever run out of colors?

Off to the latest magazine of Hobby Japan! Thank you for reading~
