Monthly Archives: November 2011

Update: AFA 2011

AFA 2011 wasn’t as grand or well anticipated as I thought it would be. Not really an anime fan but I was there to check out the toys though but there aren’t many that could catch my attention.

I know that One Piece is among the top 10 most favorite animes but I find it kind of overkills when EVERYWHERE I GO I SEE ONE PIECE!

Was it just me or what? At first, I really didn’t really see a reason for Tamashii Nations to make an appearance at AFA but come to think again, Tamashii not only focuses on Kamen Riders but also a lot on One Piece too.

The more jaw dropping one is why would Kamen Rider be appearing in AFA? Even Super Sentai…

One thing good is I finally grab a copy of my very own Super Robot Chogokin Shinken-Oh! YAY!

Let the photos do the job, shall we?

Note: One Piece OVERLOAD

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Update: Speaking of Budget

Speaking of budget, mine is always tight…

Taken from AFA11 - Anime Festival Asia

I am so excited about AFA 2011! I stumbled upon the floor plan on AFA’s page facebook and thought that I should share the joy with everyone. While I am not exactly an Anime fan, I do really hope to plan my route well so that I can see what I want to see.

A4, where Bandai is, that’s where I am going to stone for a jolly good time! I seriously need to work out my budget again simply because…

Oh well, one of my pre-orders just arrived. I am pretty excited when I saw a stack of KR OOO Tajyadoru Combo lying on the shelves while doing some window shopping at La Tendo just yesterday with my mates. Couldn’t help but ask whether my copy is ready for redemption and it was! Yippie!

*Trying out the effect parts*

The owner of Robo Robo finally recognizes me! And I was given $3 discount… After spending so much on that shop, all I received was only a $3 discount. And I was so happy when he said something about buying two and getting one free. Cheat my feelings only…

Anyways, I finally picked up a copy of KR Faiz Blaster form despite hearing so many fellow toy fans protesting about the existing problems for this release. I find it alluring though. Maybe it was just me I am too obsessed about owning one since KR Faiz is one of my favorites.

Thought of getting three copies of Riotrooper but then again what good does it do? Unless I am out of my mind or something one is just fine. Even though it is still all wrapped up in the box, I am already in love with it. I am so happy to own one copy of this release. Honestly!

KR Kaixa is definitely a must-have for me. I certainly hope that Tamashii considers releasing KR Delta. I will buy it!

Just an add-on…

I survived 23:59!

Review on Nasca Dophant coming up next! And God knows when…

HAhahahahahAHhahAhahahHHAha! Thank you for reading 🙂


Update: AFA 2011 or 20% Sales

Hello! Life sux as usual so I shall not go into those details…

AFA Ticket Sales

Image taken from La Tendo Email

Anime Festival Asia 2011 is just around the corner! Oh goodie, I can’t wait to burn a huge hole in my pocket even though I am not really into collection action figures from Anime. But speaking about toys, they always never fail to make my eyes sparkle…

I shall permit myself to buy only 3 toys/merchandise/collectibles/figurines/whatever-you-call-them. Come to think about Anime, the ones I watch are really limited. I think I can count them using my fingers – Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Saiyuki Reload (and the rest of the seasons), Shinsengumi (or something). If Pokemon and Digimon are counted as Anime, then it would have added up to a total of maybe seven Anime. Unless you are talking about seasons, then it will stupidly add up to a lot. Imagine how many seasons are there in just one ‘Pokemon’…

La Tendo 20% Sales

Image taken from La Tendo

But then again, La Tendo is having another 20% sales for being sluggish due to the wet and humid weather. This just made it twice as hard to decide where I should spend my money?

La Tendo? Or AFA 2011? Arggghhh…

20% sales are hard to come by! But I am very excited about AFA 2011 too!

Nevertheless, I am going to La Tendo to do some window shopping first before deciding whether I should take the chance to buy some of the stuff I wished for long ago. I was thinking of getting the ticket for AFA 2011 (for Nov 12 & 13) while I am at it.

Sounds good?

I shall do it! YES! I AM SUCH A GENIUS! I am so pleased with myself right now that I am going to stick my nose up high for the rest of the day. Yay!

Shut up and thank you for reading 🙂
