Update: Off they go

Even though the initial idea is to clean the house and expect a guest to come over for a stay for the next 8 days, I have decided to set aside my daily routines and spend some quality time to tidy up my toys. This is especially so since my dear mother have decided to start the ball rolling by digging out all the boxes.


That’s right! I am making space for more toys!

I have since placed most of my Gundam collections back into their respective boxes. Apparently, my mother is quite supportive when I suggested giving them away. Most of them are still in good quality, just that after all these years, some have really bad joints. But fret not! I have plenty of joint parts to fix them back!

They are good for pacifying young kids or if you are making/displaying awesome Gundam models, they are pretty good in contributing towards the broken limbs or body parts that can normally be found lying wasted around the display. Do consider! XD

If you are interested, you may drop me a mail, comment or even do it offline! We will work things out from there…

Although I don’t really expect anyone to want old stuffs but they are absolutely FREE! And if I were to receive any payments (out of goodwill), I promise you that all the ‘kachings’ will go straight to the charity~

Let’s name it Tulcus’s Toy Foundation, shall we?


About Tulcus

Under normal circumstances, I am just an ordinary dude...

Posted on August 5, 2011, in Updates. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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